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Ally Bigham

Profile Photo
Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Master's Student, Spanish, Teaching Assistant of Spanish

My name is Ally Bigham and I am from Charlotte, North Carolina. I recently graduated from Wofford College located in Spartanburg, SC where I received my B.A. in Spanish with a minor in Business and was also a member of the inaugural softball team. My undergraduate research investigated Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality in the Spanish Civil War through Newspapers. I focused mainly on a Spanish Basque newspaper titled Euzkadi.

I am in my first year of the M.A. Spanish program here at UGA. I am currently a Teaching Assistant for Spanish 1002. My research interests include Latinx studies, Contemporary Literature, and Literary Theory.


B.A. in Spanish from Wofford College (2022-2024)

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