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Thomas E. Peterson

Thomas E. Peterson
Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Professor of Italian

Professor Peterson earned his M.A. in Italian at the University of California, Berkeley, and his Ph.D. in Italian Studies at Brown University.  Before coming to UGA in 1990 he taught as visiting assistant professor at Wellesley College, Brown University and Middlebury College.  He was promoted to the rank of Professor in 1999.

Professor Peterson’s research focuses on the lyric and epic poetry of the Italian tradition (Dante, Petrarch, Tasso, Leopardi, Carducci, Pascoli), 20th century Italian poetry (Ungaretti, Valeri, Montale, Fortini, Pasolini, Rosselli, Giudici), and the Italian short story and novel with an emphasis on women writers (Deledda, Banti, Morante, Moravia, Petrignani).  He has also published extensively in the philosophy of education.  Among the pedagogical traditions he has explored in his essays are process studies, pragmatism, constructivism, radical constructivism and complex thought.  He has focused in particular on the educational writings of Whitehead, Cassirer, Piaget, G. Bateson, M. C. Bateson, Readings, Badiou and Agamben.

Professor Peterson’s scholarly work has appeared in such journals as Romanic Review, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Italica, Italian Culture, Romance Notes, Forum Italicum, Rivista di studi italiani, Annali d’Italianistica, Modern Language Notes, Rivista pascoliana and Symposium; in conference proceedings and collections, including Seconda Lettura Pascoliana Urbinate; Il sapere delle parole.  Studî sul dialogo latino e italiano del Rinascimento; Dieci inverni senza Fortini.  Atti delle giornate di studio nel decennale della scomparsa; California Lectura Dantis; Autografo; Pascoli e la cultura del Novecento and Renato Poggioli: An Intellectual Biography; in reference works, including Dictionary of Literary Biography, The Literary Encyclopedia and Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics.  Censorship, Revolution, and Writing; and as chapters in numerous books.

His first book, The Paraphrase of an Imaginary Dialogue.  The Poetics and Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini, won the 1990 NEMLA Foreign Language Book Award.  His book, The Ethical Muse of Franco Fortini, won the 1996 SAMLA Book Award.  His other books include Alberto Moravia (1996), The Rose in Contemporary Italian Poetry (2000), The Revolt of the Scribe in Modern Italian Literature (2010) and Pasolini, Civic Poet of Modernity (2012).  He serves on the Scientific Board of the Centro Studi Franco Fortini at the University of Siena, Italy, on the Editorial Board of the Da Ponte Library at the University of Toronto Press.

Research Interests:

Italian lyric and epic poetry, modern and contemporary fiction, women writers, literary theory, film studies, philosophy of education

Selected Publications:
Books authored

The Paraphrase of an Imaginary Dialogue: The Poetics and Poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini. New York: Peter Lang, 1994. 356 pp.

Alberto Moravia. Twayne World Authors Series. Boston and New York: G.K. Hall, 1996. 170 pp.

The Ethical Muse of Franco Fortini. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997. 200 pp.

The Rose in Contemporary Italian Poetry. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000. 342 pp.

The Revolt of the Scribe in Modern Italian Literature. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. 384 pp.

Pasolini, Civic Poet of Modernity. Novi Ligure, Italy: Edizioni Joker, 2012. 218 pp.

Pier Paolo Pasolini, The Divine Mimesis. Translated and introduced by Thomas E. Peterson. Berlin and New York: Contra Mundum, 2014. 106 pp.

Petrarch’s Fragmenta: The Narrative and Theological Unity of Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016. 329 pp.

Modern Mannerism in Italian Poetry. Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet, 2017. 89 pp.

Epistemology and the Predicates of Education: Building Upon a Process Theory of Learning. Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Routledge, 2019. 184 pp.


Chapters in books

​​​​​​​“Montale’s Satura,” The Empty Set. Ed. M. Godorecci. Flushing, NY: Queens College Press, 1985. 47-65.

“Tasso bellico,” Interpreting the Italian Renaissance. Literary Perspectives. Ed. A. Toscano, Filibrary Series of Forum Italicum 1 (1991): 163-177.

“Pier Paolo Pasolini,” The Dictionary of Literary Biography: 20th Century Italian Poetry, v.2. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1993. 226-236.

“Franco Fortini,” The Dictionary of Literary Biography: 20th Century Italian Poetry, v.2. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1993. 142-149.

“Diego Valeri,” The Dictionary of Literary Biography: 20th Century Italian Poetry, v.2. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 1993. 337-344.

I Dialoghi di Torquato Tasso come momento conclusivo della ‘paideia’ cinquecentesca,” Dialoghi: Rivista di Studi Italici 3, 1/2 (1999): 95-107. Reprinted in W. Geerts, A. Paternoster, F. Pignatti, ed., Il sapere delle parole. Studî sul dialogo latino e italiano del Rinascimento. Rome: Bulzoni, 2001. 175-90.

“Scandal and Schism. Inferno 28,” California Lectura Dantis. Ed. A. Oldcorn, A. Mandelbaum, C. Ross. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. 368-77.

“Il codice dell’iterazione in Italy,” Seconda Lettura Pascoliana Urbinate. Ed. G. Cerboni Baiardi, A. Oldcorn and T. Mattioli. Urbino: Il lavoro editoriale, 2003. 137-48.

Introduction to Erminia Passannanti, Poem of the Roses. Linguistic Expressionism in the Poetry of Franco Fortini. Leicester, UK: Troubador, 2004. 17-19.

“Franco Fortini,” in M. Keith Booker, ed., Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics. Censorship, Revolution, and Writing. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2005. Vol 1: 262-63.

“Alberto Moravia,” in M. Keith Booker, ed., Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics. Censorship, Revolution, and Writing. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2005. Vol. 2: 494-95.

“La spazialità e il potere dell’immagine nel manierismo tardomoderno di Fortini, Duncan e Bonnefoy,” in Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, ed., Spazio e Spazialitá Poetica nella poesia italiana del Novecento. Leicester, UK: Troubador, 2005. 89-126.

“Of Travesty and Truth: Toward a Theory of Literary Transvestism,” in Rossella Riccobono and Erminia Passannanti, ed., Vested Voices Literary Transvestism in Italian Literature. Leicester, UK: Troubador, 2006. 19-64.

“Giosue Carducci,” The Dictionary of Literary Biography: Nobel Prize Authors. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 286-299.

“Teaching Visual Thinking, In and Out of the Italian Canon” in Emanuele Occhipinti, ed., New Approaches to Teaching Italian and Italian Culture: Case Studies from an International Perspective. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 498-518.    

“Il tempo dell’Indifferenza,” Italian translation of Chapter Two of T. Peterson, Alberto Moravia: “Gli indifferenti” by V. Mascaretti. Poetiche. Nuova serie, vol. 10, n. 1-2. Modena: Micchi Editore, 2008. 171-89.

“Aspetti manieristici della poesia di Fortini,” in Luca Lenzini, Elisabetta Nencini and Felice Rappazzo, ed., Dieci inverni senza Fortini. Atti delle giornate di studio nel decennale della scomparsa. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2006. 83-92.

“La diffusione di Pascoli in America e in Inghilterra,” in Andrea Battistini, Gianfranco Miro Gori, Clemente Mazzotta, ed., Pascoli e la cultura del Novecento. Atti del Convegno Pascoli e la cultura del Novecento, San Mauro Pascoli, 30 September-2 October, 2005. Venice: Marsilio Editori, 2007. 449-65.

“Alberto Moravia.” Main entry in The Literary Encyclopedia. 2010.

“Introduction” to Alberto Moravia, Two Friends. New York: Other Press, 2011. vii-xviii.

“Between Two Silences: Renato Poggioli as Retrospective Prophet of Modernity,” in Roberto Ludovico, ed., Renato Poggioli: An Intellectual Biography. Proceedings of Colloquium on the Centenary of Renato Poggioli, UMass, Amherst; Harvard U. and Brown U. 24-26 October 2007. Florence: Olschki, 2012. 163-77.

“Giosue Carducci.” Main entry in The Literary Encyclopedia. 2012.

“Educating Across Differences: Gaps, Analogies, Pluralism,” in Intercultural Horizons: Best Practices in Intercultural Competence Development. Ed. Eliza J. Nash, Nevin C. Brown adn Lavinia Bracci. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2012. 3-14.

“Eco-Politics and the Wild in the Late Poetry of Paolo Volponi,” in Federica Santini and Giovanna Summerfield, eds., The Politics of Poetics: Poetry and Social Activism in Early-Modern through Contemporary Italy . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013. 149-167.

Un mes d’empelt: ‘Monologhetto’” [in Catalan] in Esteban Martinez Serra, ed., Giuseppe Ungaretti. Sabadell, Spain: Quaderns de Versàlia, 2013. 158-165.

The Midlife Poetry of Edoardo Sanguineti,” in John Picchione and Paolo Chirumbolo, eds., Edoardo Sanguineti: Critical Perspectives. Oxford, UK: Legenda, 2013. 71-89.

“Il manierismo e l’estetica dell’irregolare nella poesia di Amelia Rosselli,” in Maria Antonietta Grignani and Federico Milone, eds., Novissimi e dintorni tra due sponde, Autografo. Journal of Fondo Manoscritti, Pavia, Italy. Novara, Italy: Interlinea, 2013. 93-104.

La storia come montaggio in Benjamin,” in Gianfranco Bonola, ed., Walter Benjamin. Testi e Commenti. Special issue of L’ospite ingrato. Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet, 2013. 155-71.

L’estetica, la morale e la struttura di Allegoria e derisione,” in Maria Carla Papini, Gloria Manghetti, Teresa Spignoli, ed., Vasco Pratolini (1913-2013). Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Firenze, 17-19 ottobre 2013). Florence, Italy: Olschki, 2015. 279-287.

“Una lunga fedeltà.” Preface to Sandro Candreva, Ex Vuoto. Poesia che cura. Tricase (Lecce): Borè, 2016. v-xi.

“La retorica della latenza in Amelia Rosselli,” in A. Barbieri and E. Gregori, ed., Latenza: preterizioni, reticenze e silenzi del testo. Atti del XLIII Convegno Interuniversitario (Bressanone, 9-12 luglio 2015). Padua: Esedra, 2016. 277-86.

“Paradox and Redemption in La poesia delle rose” [first appeared as Chapter in The Ethical Muse of Franco Fortini], in L. Ballerini, B. Cavatorta, eds., Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, Tome I, 1956-1975. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, 2017, 1358-74.

 “Weltliteratur and Literary Anthropology: The Case of Italian American Literature,” in D. Figueira, ed., “Minor Minorities”and Multiculturalism. Italian American and Jewish American Literature. Macerata: EUM, 2022.


​​​​​​​Peer-reviewed Journal articles

 “The ‘Feminine’ Writing of Anna Banti: Un grido lacerante,” Northeastern Modern Language Association Italian Studies, 11-12 (1987-1988): 87-96.

“The Art-Science Conjunction in Primo Levi’s Periodic Table,” Northeastern Modern Language Association Italian Studies, 11-12 (1987-1988): 143-150.

Lo scialle andaluso: Iconicity and Social Thought,” Northeastern Modern Language Association Italian Studies 13-14 (1989-1990): 133-145.

“Fortini’s Paesaggio con serpente,” Italian Culture 10 (1993): 285-300.

“Parallel Derivations from Dante: Fortini, Duncan, Pasolini,” South Atlantic Review 54, 3 (1994): 21-45.  

“Secularism and Religiosity in the Positive Heavens of Paradiso,” The Centennial Review 39, 2 (1995): 331-54.

“Pascolian Intertexts in the Lyric Poetry of Attilio Bertolucci,” Rivista di studi italiani 14, 1 (1996): 153-164.  

“The Generation of Mythic Language in Góngora’s Polifemo,” Journal of Hispanic Philology 17, 2-3 (1993, copyright 1996): 195-220.

“The Allegory of Repression from Teorema to Salò,” Italica 73, 2 (1996): 215-232.

“The Messaggiero as a Key to the Gerusalemme liberata,” Il Veltro 40, 1-2 (1996): 232-238.

“Le Dernier Coup de Pinceau’: Perception and Generality in Le Chef-d'Oeuvre Inconnu,” Romanic Review 88, 3 (1997): 385-407.

“Review-Article: Inferno translated by Robert Durling and The Inferno of Dante, translated by Robert Pinsky,” Annali d’Italianistica 15 (1997): 349-56.

“Verso l’infanzia: contemplazione e apprendimento in Paradiso 23-33,” Dialoghi: Rivista di Studi Italici 1, 1-2 (1997): 43-61.

“Commenti sciolti su Composita solvantur,” Italian Culture 16, 1 (1998): 99-110.

“Of the Barony: Anna Banti and the Time of Decision,” Modern Language Notes (MLN) 114 (1999): 126-42.

“Whitehead, Bateson and Readings and the Predicates of Education,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, 31, 1 (1999): 27-41.

“Amelia Rosselli’s ‘Soggiorno in inferno’ and other poems,” Rivista di studi Italiani 17, 1 (1999): 302-12.

“L’omaggio di Giudici a Pascoli,” Rivista pascoliana 12 (2000): 169-180. 

“Justice, Modesty and Compassion in Foscolo’s Ajace,Modern Language Notes (MLN) 116 (2001): 74-97.

“The Ethics and Pathos of Ungaretti’s ‘Ragioni d’una poesia,” Annali d’Italianistica 19 (2001): 171-87.

“Out of Babylon: the Figura of Exile in Tasso and Petrarch,” Annali d’Italianistica 20 (2002): 127-48.

“Petrarch’s Canzone-frottola: A Parable of Return,” Symposium 57, 1 (2003): 13-23.

“Fortini e Tasso: epica e romanzo,” Romance Notes 43, 3 (2003): 323-32.

“Schismogenesis and National Character: The D’Annunzio-Mussolini Correspondence,” Italica 81, 1 (2004): 44-64.

“The Fabulous Petrarch: La raccolta del 1342 as source of the fabulous in Rerum vulgarium fragmenta.” Annali d’Italianistica 22 (2004): 61-84.

“Notes on Heidegger’s Authoritarian Pedagogy,” Educational Philosophy and Theory 37, 4 (2005): 599-623. Listed as 12th most frequently cited article (during the period 2005-2008) of all EPAT articles published since 1971.

“Writing as Translation in the Neo-Baroque Poetics of Severo Sarduy,” Interculturality and Translation / Interculturalidad y Traducción 1, 1 (2005): 135-58.

“Italian National Character as Seen Through the Figure of the Poet-Scribe,” Annali d’Italianistica: Negotiating Italian Identities. Vol. 24 (2006): 247-74.

“Ovid and Parody in the Inferno,” Annali d’Italianistica: Literature, Religion, and the Sacred. Vol. 25 (2007): 203-16.

“Celebrating Moravia at 100,” Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture 7, 1 (Winter 2008):

“The Art of Language Teaching as Interdisciplinary Paradigm,” Special Issue on “Academic Writing, Genres and Philosophy,” Educational Philosophy and Theory 40, 7 (2008): 900-918. Also appears as book chapter in Michael S. Peters, ed., Academic Writing, Genres and Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.

“Badiou, Pedagogy and the Arts,” Special Issue on “Alain Badiou,” Educational Philosophy and Theory 42, 2 (2010): 159-76. Also appears as book chapter in Kent Den Heyer, ed., Thinking Education Through Alan Badiou. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. 8-25.

“Constructivist Pedagogy and Symbolism: Vico, Cassirer, Piaget, Bateson,” Educational Philosophy and Theory 44, 8 (2012): 878-891. DOI/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2011.00765.

Combatting the Law of the Scapegoat: the Civic Poetry of Poesia in forma di rosa.” Proceedings of Mosaici International Conference: “Poetry in Conflict.” Mosaici: St. Andrews Journal of Italian Poetry, 2012.

“The Personalistic Pedagogy of Giorgio Agamben,” in special issue: “Giorgio Agamben and Educational Thought,” ed. Michael S. Peters. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46, 4 (2014): 364-79.  DOI:10.1080/00131857.2013.781494.

“Gentile, Gramsci and the Labors of Education,” in Norma Bouchard and Valerio Ferme, eds., From Otium and Occupatio to Work & Labor in Italian Culture, Annali d’Italianistica, vol. 32 (2014): 455-474.

Contemporary Approaches to a Pedagogy of Process,” in A. Stables and I. Semetsky, eds., special issue of Semiotica. 212 (2016): 7-26.

“‘Quando si ama qualcuno lo si ama per qualcun altro’: Francesca Comencini’s Retelling of Svevo’s Zeno,” California Italian Studies. 7:1 (2017).

“From Casella to Cacciaguida: A Musical Progression Toward Innocence.” Bibliotheca Dantesca. Annual Journal of Research Studies. 1, 12 (2018): 219-232.

La simbiosi di traduzione e poesia nel pensiero di Fortini, in F. Diaco and E. Nencini, eds., «Per voci interposte» Fortini e la traduzione,  L’Ospite ingrato (nuova serie) 5 (2019): 175-82.

“The Poet as Other to Himself: Giudici and his Doubles in Il male dei creditori,” in F. Santini and B. Cavatorta, eds., Deconstructing the Model: Italian 20th and 21st-century Experimental Writings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019. 34-58.

“Amor con la man dextra il lato manco” (Rvf 228) as Allegory of Religious Veneration,” Modern Language Notes (MLN) 135, 1 (2020) (Italian Issue): 17-33.

“Love and Death in the Poetry of Amelia Rosselli,” Women Language Literature in Italy / Donne Lingua Letteratura in Italia 2 (2020): 83-100.

“On Music and Mourning in Serie ospedaliera,” Letterature moderne e comparate 74, 1 (2021): 61-82.

“‘Se non scritto, almen dipinto’: Dante’s Ethos of Becoming in Purgatorio 28-33.” Special issue celebrating 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri. Ed. Lino Pertile and Rachel Jacoff. Forum Italicum 55, 2 (2021): 428-447.

“From the ‘Allora’ to the ‘Non Ancora’: Luzi’s Essays on Dante,”  Bibliotheca Dantesca, 4 (2021): 170-188.

“Amelia Rosselli’s Poetry After 1975,” in L. Ballerini, B. Cavatorta, eds., Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, Tome II, 1975-2015. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

“Sanguineti’s Poetry After 1975,” in L. Ballerini, B. Cavatorta, eds., Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, Tome II, 1975-2015. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

“The Late Poetry of Franco Fortini (1973-1994),” in L. Ballerini, B. Cavatorta, eds., Those Who from Afar Look Like Flies. An Anthology of Italian Poetry from Pasolini to the Present, Tome II, 1975-2015. Toronto: U of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

​​​​​​​Book reviews

Robert Peters, The Great American Poetry Bake-off (Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1979) in San Francisco Review of Books, May 1980: 20.

Don Cushman, Present Difficulties (Berkeley, CA: Cloud Marauder, 1980) Poetry Flash 93 (December 1980): 6-7.           

Robert Peters, The Picnic in the Snow: Ludwig of Bavaria (St. Paul, MN: New Rivers Press, 1982) in Contact II 32-33 (1984): 64-65.

Angus MacLise, The Map of Dusk (New York: SZ Press, 1984) in Contact II 41-43 (1986): 94-96.

Denise Levertov, Poems 1968-1972 (New York: New Directions, 1987) in Contact II 47-49 (1988): 67-69.

Antonio Vitti, Il primo Pasolini e la sua narrativa (New York: Peter Lang, 1987) in Annali d'Italianistica, 6 (1988): 352-54.

Robert Duncan, Ground Work II: In the Dark. (New York: New Directions, 1987) in Contact II 50-52 (1989): 65-67.

Kenneth Rexroth, World Outside the Window: The Selected Essays of Kenneth Rexroth (New York: New Directions, 1987) in Contact II 53-55 (1989): 88-90.

Cid Corman, And the Word (Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1987) in Contact II 56-58 (1990): 81-83.

Stephen A. Nimis, Narrative Semiotics in the Epic Tradition: The Simile (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1987) in Lectura Dantis 6 (1990): 157-58.

Sharon Wood, Woman as Object. Language and Gender in the Work of Alberto Moravia (London: Pluto Press, 1990) in Italica 69, 3 (1992): 436-38.

Franco Ferrucci, Nuovo discorso sugli italiani. Con il Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl'italiani di Giacomo Leopardi (Milan: Mondadori, 1993) in Annali d’Italianistica 12 (1994): 386-89.

Patrick Rumble and Bart Testa, eds., Pier Paolo Pasolini. Contemporary Perspectives (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994) in Italica 73, 2 (1996): 284-87.

Stéphane Mallarmé, Collected Poems. Translated and with a commentary by Henry Weinfield (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994) in The French Review 70, 6 (1997): 928-29.

Pier Paolo Pasolini, Bestemmia: tutte le poesie (Milan: Garzanti, 1993) in Rivista di Studi Italiani 16, 1 (1998): 437-41.   

Robert S.C. Gordon, Pasolini: Forms of Subjectivity (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996) in Italica 76, 1 (1999): 111-14.

RosaMaria LaValva, The Eternal Child. The Poetry and Poetics of Giovanni Pascoli (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Annali d’Italianistica, 1999) in Italica 77, 2 (2000): 256-58.

Antonello Borra, Guittone d’Arezzo e le maschere del poeta. La lirica cortese tra ironia e palinodia (Ravenna: Longo, 2000) in Italica 79, 1 (2002): 114-16; and [reprint] Italica 79, 3 (2002): 409-11.

Luca Lenzini, Il poeta di nome Fortini. Saggi e proposte di lettura (Lecce: Piero Manni, 1999) in Italica 80, 2 (2003): 257-60.

Luca Somigli, Legitimizing the Artist. Manifesto Writing and European Modernism, 1885-1915 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003) in Italica 82, 1 (2005): 337-39.

Franco Fortini, Saggi ed epigrammi (Milan: Mondadori, 2003) in Italica 82, 2 (2005): 265-67.

Colleen Ryan-Scheutz, Sex, the Self, and the Sacred. Women in the Cinema of Pier Paolo Pasolini (Toronto: Toronto UP, 2007) in Italica 85, 2-3 (2008): 371-74.

Zanzotto, Andrea. In questo progresso scorsoio. Conversazione con Marzio Breda (Milan: Garzanti, 2009) in Mosaici: St. Andrews Journal of Italian Poetry, 2011. (n. p.)

Savoca, Giuseppe. Il Canzoniere di Petrarca tra codicologia ed ecdotica (Florence: Olschki, 2008) in Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 86, 4 (2011): 1118-1120.       

Semetsky, Inna. The Edusemiotics of Images. Essays on the Art~Science of Tarot (Rotterdam: Sense, 2013) in Educational Philosophy and Theory. June 2013. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2013.808891.

Luca Di Blasi, Manuele Gragnolati, Christoph F. E. Holzhey, eds. The Scandal of Self-Contradiction. Pasolini’s Multistable Subjectivities, Traditions, Geographies (Wien/Berlin: Turia+Kant, 2012) in Italica 91, 3 (2014): 539-544.

Franco Fortini, The Dogs of the Sinai, translated and with an essay by Alberto Toscano. Introduced by Andrea Cavalletti (London: Seagull Books, 2013). Los Angeles Review of Books, August 12, 2014.  

Matteo Fantuzzi and Isabella Leardini, eds., Post ’900. Lirici e narrativi (Borgomanero, Novara): Ladolfi, 2015) in Mosaici: St. Andrews Journal of Italian Poetry, 2016. (n. p.)

Niccolò Scaffai, Il lavoro del poeta. Montale, Sereni, Caproni (Rome: Carocci, 2015) in Symposium 71, 3: 1-2 (2017): 174-175.

Luigi Ballerini, Poesie. 1972-2015, ed. Beppe Cavatorta (Milan: Mondadori, 2016) in Italica, 95, 1 (2018): 120-123.

Luca Lenzini, Il gatto di Arnheim e altri scritti clandestini (Lavagna (GE): Editrice Zona, 2015) in Italica, 96, 1 (2018): 285-291.

Paolo Cherchi, Petrarca maestro. Linguaggio dei simboli e delle storie (Rome: Viella, 2018) in Italica, 97, 2 (2020): 413-419.

Ugo Perolino, ed., Il remo di Ulisse. Saggi sulla poesia e la poetica di Luigi Ballerini (Venice: Marsilio, 2021) in Italica, 98, 3 (2021): 695-701.


​​​​​​​Selected chapbooks

Four Poets: García Lorca, Ungaretti, Montale, Pavese. Translated from the Spanish and Italian by Thomas Erling Peterson. Designed, illustrated and printed by Thomas Erling Peterson. Oakland, CA: Double Dance Press, 1976. 75 pp.

The Blank Book. Berkeley, CA: Double Dance Press, 1978. 38 pp.

Ikon. Florence, Italy: Doppia Danza, 1978. 24 pp.





Of note:

Northeast Modern Language Association Foreign Language Book Award, for The Paraphrase of an Imaginary Dialogue, 1990.

South Atlantic Modern Language Association Book Award, for The Ethical Muse of Franco Fortini, 1996

Contemplative Practices Teaching Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies and The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, 2000, $10,000

Raiziss/de Palchi Translation Fellowship, Academy of American Poets, for work on a manuscript of translations of the poetry of Franco Fortini, $25,000 plus five week residency at American Academy in Rome, Spring 2018

Events featuring Thomas E. Peterson
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Professor Tom Peterson will speak on the ethics of Dante's Divine Comedy as a guest of the UGA Ethics Club


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