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The University of Georgia hosted its inaugural Active Learning Summit to celebrate how this method of learning is already changing instruction across campus and to explore ways to expand that culture in the future.

The article "Focus at the syntax–discourse interface in L2 Spanish: Optionality and unaccusativity reconsidered", by Dr. Timothy Gupton (UGA, Romance Languages) and Dr.

The article "Focus at the syntax–discourse interface in L2 Spanish: Optionality and unaccusativity reconsidered", by Dr. Timothy Gupton (UGA, Romance Languages) and Dr.

A warm congratulations to David Hair on the successful defense of his doctoral dissertation, "Muy Noble, Bien Fuerte, and Grandísimo: A Diachronic Study of Intensification in Spanish," in December 2022.

María González-Ferrer, Graham Johnson, and Eliot Westdorp, doctoral students in Romance Linguistics, recently published their paper "The historical evolution of the Spanish discourse marker pues from the 16th century" in the proceedings of the International Virtual Conference on

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