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"Palabra de poeta": A Conversation on Selected Poems by César Vallejo

116 Gilbert Hall
Cultural Event
Panel Discussion
Carlos Villacorta
Modern Languages and Classics
University of Maine

Discussion moderated by Dr. Jorge García-Granados, UGA Department of Romance Languages (hybrid format)

Trilce, by César Vallejo, was released in October of 1922, a century ago. It was a poetic work without precedent in Spanish. This conversation will feature Dr. Carlos Villacorta, Associate Professor Spanish and Chair of Modern Languages and Classics, University of Maine (via Zoom) and our own Dr. Luis Correa Díaz and Dr. Nicolás Lucero (in 116 Gilbert Hall). They will share some of their impressions of César Vallejo’s poetry.

The event will be in Spanish and English. Everyone is welcome. For more information, please write to

Personnel in this Event

* Professor of Spanish, * Academia Chilena de la Lengua, * Real Academia de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Artes de Córdoba, Spain
Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator

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